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You're viewing Arc the Lad : End of Darkness Cheat Codes

Game Name : Arc the Lad : End of Darkness
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-05-23 19:34:14
Views : 27250

Unlock Paulette
Master Notice Board task "To Anyone Who'll Believe Me..." Located in an iron box inside the Romarian Tunnel. The box is surrounded by Dark Dwellers.

Unlock Ganz
Veteran Notice Board task "A Favor to Ask." Inside the terrorist base, you will find a group of exploding barrels. The card is in the middle barrel.

Unlock Volk
After completing the game go to Orcoth and fight him in the arena. After winning you get his card.

Unlock Kukuru
Rookie Notice Board task "Find the Missing Person." Found in a crate 3 screens down from the summit. (Appears on your way down)

Unlock Lutz
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (3rd)

Unlock Lillia
Load a cleared Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirts save or win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (9th)

Unlock Bebedora
Veteran Notice Board task "Wanted: Exorcist!" Found in a room with a ton of Ghouls and a malademon Reecher. Defeat the Reecher to get the card.

Unlock Cheryl
Master Notice Board task "Wanted: Master Hunter!" Located in the Ice Gallery within an ice stalagmite surrounded by Poison Slimes. Hard to miss.

Unlock Kharg
Found in the final dungeon of the story missions, Cathena Lab. Near the end of the dungeon, the card is within a Tin Golem. Hard to miss.

Unlock Iga
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (4th)

Unlock Leeza
Expert Notice Board task "Help my Father!" In a crate in the basement of the castle.

Unlock Choco
Complete the Monster Book by defeating at least one of every single monster in the game. The Monster Book is with the Mofly in Rueloon.

Unlock Alec
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (7th)

Unlock Darc
Expert Notice Board task "Urgent Manhunt!" Found in the Dragon's Lair. Defeat three Green Dragons that are found near the boss room. Hard to miss.

Unlock Camellia
Win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (1st)

Unlock Arc
Obtain the Arc hunter rank after completing the game.

Unlock Shu
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (5th)

Unlock Maru
Rookie Notice Board task "Find my Husband Demill." Found in a crate in the center of a plus shaped room. Hard to miss. (Appears on the way out)

Unlock Elc
Received from the Mofly in Milmarna. You can't miss it.

Unlock Delma
Win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (2nd)

Unlock Diekbeck
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (8th)

Unlock Theo
Apprentice Notice Board task "Find Our Teacher!" In room with boxes floating in midair. Use them to make your way across an invisible bridge.

Unlock Tosh
Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (6th)

Unlock Tatjana
Received after the Apprentice Notice Board task "Find Our Teacher!" You get this automatically.

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